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Raising children and treatment methods

The family is the smallest social cell with which a person is attached since childhood.
Raising children and treatment methods

Family upbringing

The family is the smallest social cell with which a person is attached since childhood, and it is necessary for its survival, as it takes care of it physically, emotionally, intellectually and socially, and the pattern of relations and mutual emotions among its members arises that children acquire experiences that enable them to agree and integrate within the family’s cultural framework, and in the general framework of society.

Children in the family environment learn the language, morals, belief, values, methods of social interaction, standards of behavior and life processes such as love, hate, and jealousy, cooperation, competition, and domination, which makes them able to play their roles on the stage of life and this is done through treatment based on reward and encouragement or punishment time during the directions, orders and prohibitions they receive From their parents.

 The influence of the family on the personality is greater than that of any other social organization.

 This is due to several things, including:

The extreme weakness that a person is born with and the length of his stay in his family.
His need for permanent care and guidance.
Not being affected by any group other than the family group at the beginning of his life.

Lack of experience and weak will in childhood.
Ease of being affected, shaped and able to revive and learn.

The influence of the family remains an essential part of the sons ’entity even after they enter the school, thereby participating in the community and the school in influencing their personalities.

Definition of the family:

It is an inevitable union that the preparations and capabilities inherent in the human nature that lead to the meeting lead to. It is in its conditions and decrees a social institution that emanates from the conditions of life automatically for social systems and conditions.

The role and functions of the family:

One of the family’s tasks is that it must ensure the safe shelter for the child and remove factors of anxiety and disturbance from it, and enable him to obtain the health level necessary to stave off disease risks and prepare him for the social entity, and train him to face accepted standards and respond to human situations that highlight emotions such as love, fear and anger, and falls on them The responsibility of weaning him from dependence on others.

Accordingly, the family jobs can be classified as follows:

Preserving the human species, according to social rules based on the teachings of Islamic Sharia, with a view to reconstruction and continuity.
Raising children, giving them the habits, beliefs and experiences necessary for them, and developing a sense of family and social belonging and forming their personality.

Carry out its psychological function by providing relationships of concern and solidarity to its members, and psychological security, to create a balanced and stable person who feels family affiliation and in-depth interaction for the sake of the family’s interest and the preservation of its entity and unity.

To carry out its economic function by providing the needs and requirements necessary for life and achieving financial security for the family.
Carry out its civilized function by having children, raising them to suit the besieging generation, and preventing their members from committing non-social behaviors.

Factors affecting parental treatment:

Parental treatment methods, whether positive or negative, normal or not, contribute to defining them and a group of factors and conditions affect them, the most important of which are the following:

  1.  The educational level of the parents as well as the size of the family.
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A physician at the General Hospital and founder of a health website.
