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Historical overview of basketball

Basketball originated in the city of Spear-Ngefeld, in the state of Ma Sichostes, at the end of the year 1891AD by James Naismith
Physical attributes in basketball

Historical overview of basketball

  The emergence of basketball

Basketball originated in the city of Spear-Ngefeld, in the state of Ma Sichostes, at the end of the year 1891AD by James Naismith, professor of American Physical Education and a member of the YMCA, where he wanted this game to be just a means of active rest for American football players during the winter season, where matches stop and increase Rainfall, and the first basketball law included (13) articles, most of which aimed to keep the players away from the roughness that was characteristic of playing in American football, and the first match was held between two teams from the YMCA in the city of Saber Negfield in the beginning of 1892 AD, and that was In a closed hall Two baskets were hung on its walls, the referee had to climb onto a ladder to get the ball out of the basket after each successful hit, and then resume playing again in the middle of the can.

    Basketball spread

Basketball attracted many young people at that time, then it moved to American schools and universities, and the YMCA spread the game through its branches spread in most of the American states. 

The youth of the world began to learn about the basketball game, especially in the Olympic Games held in 1904 in St. Louis American where some American teams have made presentations of the arts of the game in front of a group of countries participating in this session, and these performances led to the recognition of the basketball game and its inclusion in the Olympic Games program.
In 1915, the Association of Colleges, Secondary Schools, and YMCA Centers met in the United States to develop uniform basketball laws, as it was followed until that date, with each state forming its own committee to develop the way laws are applied, and the methods of application differed from state to state.
During World War I (1914-1918) the game spread by American soldiers around the world.
In 1920 it became clear that the number of countries that adopted this game had reached 49.
In 1936 the Olympic Games were held in Berlin, and basketball entered the Olympic Field and participated in this game in that session 21 countries, including the Arab Republic of Egypt, and in 1940-1941 celebrated the 50th anniversary of the invention of the basketball game, and was among the statistics that On this occasion, I presented that 90 million people watched basketball games that year in America only.

During World War II, there were 2,000 American basketball teams in England and 1,500 in Italy.
And in America now more than 20 million basketball players, and every year more than 100,000 copies of the printed law of the game are sold.

Among the countries in which this game spread widely popular China and Russia, and all countries of the world play this game at the present time.
The laws of the game have undergone a lot of modification and change since its inception even because, as it started with thirteen articles and is now more than a hundred items, the change was always aimed at repairing some of the existing drawbacks, or working to rise with different skills such as speed, for example, and even today, and in all An Olympic meeting comprises a committee to amend the law of the game according to what conditions it finds that may warrant this amendment. The following is a summary of some of the laws dealt with by the amendment:
* Baskets: They were actually two peach baskets, and they were hung on the wall, and the bottom was present with it, then they were modified until they became of a fabric with special specifications.

 * The playroom: In the beginning, it was any covered area, so it was like a hay warehouse and other buildings that are sufficient and considered suitable for playing even if it has some mayors that support this building and then the canning has become special dimensions, dimensions and specifications.
* Number of players: It was 9 then 7 players according to the agreement between the two main teams, then adjusted until now 5. The number of the team members is 12.
* Ball: It was football when the game was invented, and it became a game-specific ball.
 * Free throw: In each team there was one person who takes charge of all his free throws and now every player takes the throw of the free throws that he got is the result of committing a mistake against him.
* Jumping ball: The referee was throwing the ball between the two attacking hearts after each goal, then canceled this law and the team that hit the basket became the one who handled it from outside the final limits, and these examples are not limited to, but they are funny examples of what the game was like at the beginning of its matter, If the change and alteration in the rules of the game indicate something, it indicates the vitality and interaction of the game, but the large number of this amendment requires an amendment in the defensive and offensive game tactic, and this is what is happening so far already.
A physician at the General Hospital and founder of a health website.
