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Characteristics and advantages of adolescence

A slowdown in the growth rate occurs on the body if we compare it to the first stage in which the increase.
Characteristics and advantages of adolescence

Characteristics and advantages of adolescence

Physical growth

A slowdown in the growth rate occurs on the body if we compare it to the first stage in which the increase is evident and tangible in both weight and height for both sexes, especially at the end of the stage in which adolescence is characterized by a healthy state of health with distinctive physical growth in both hearing, touch, and taste, which appears from During it its ability to estimate weight and dimensions, and thus the final features, ratios and physical patterns of the individual unite at the end of the stage, which is determined by taking the body in general and the mind, in particular, their distinctive shape, in addition to this distinct balance that plays a big role in. The individual's physical, emotional, and emotional functions that work to complete the formation of the individual's multi-faceted personality.

Motor growth:

At the beginning of the adolescence stage, the body grows rapidly, the growth boom results from this rapid, unbalanced growth, the adolescent's tendency to be lazy, idle and less active, and this stage is unlike the previous stage, which was characterized by inclination and movement, so the adolescent at the beginning of this stage his motor alignment is inaccurate, so movements Characterized by inconsistency.
We find that the teenager frequently collides with the things that hinder his path during his movements, often falling from his hands the things that he holds and helps in his physical instability, apparent physical changes and secondary sexual characteristics that have occurred to him and his exposure to adult criticism and their comments and bearing many social responsibilities, which causes him confusion and loss of balance.

Cognitive development:

Intelligence differs in the speed of its growth from other sectarian abilities, so we find that the growth of intelligence calms its speed during adolescence, so we find that between the age of 14-16 years, the speed of intelligence growth decreases. The emergence of special abilities, because general growth allows us to reveal tendencies that are often associated with special abilities.
Other mental abilities such as linguistic ability, numerical ability, spatial ability, mechanical ability, musical ability, etc., remain in their turbulent development during adolescence (Vernon 1948 research).
A physician at the General Hospital and founder of a health website.
