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Quality in education

If we consider that the quality in education is the quality of the graduate or rather the quality of the change in the behavior of the graduate, and if we consider that the educational institution is a professional that activates everything in it to produce quality specific to each case and that the quality is the result of the condensation of the effects of educational cooking steam that does not stop the institution Prepare it using metamorphic form and content recipes according to data and conditions; The first step towards achieving quality, the quality of change in graduate behavior, is the development of the educational institution as an integrated, indivisible, compact unit.
Quality in education

Quality concept:

The lexicon indicates that quality becomes something, it is good, and it is from the verb: serious and shred, i.e. it brought good from saying and doing. And the good of everything is bad, and it comes out of the meaning of accuracy, mastery, and charity. In the terminology, there is an assertion, no matter how many opinions, that quality means conforming to specific requirements or specifications. 

  • This is evident from the presentation of some concepts:

The American Institute of Standards defines it as the set of features and characteristics of a product or service that makes it able to meet specific needs.
Flip Crosby defined her: as conforming to specifications, that it is everyone's responsibility, and that consumer desires are the foundation of design.
Quality as in Oxford Dictionary means high quality or value.
Quality means mastery, as well as excellence and creativity.
- And the quality is the result of concern mainly with quality and quantity.

Quality objectives:

There are two types of quality objectives:

  • A- Objectives that serve quality control, which are related to the standards that the organization wishes to maintain and are formulated at the level of the organization as a whole, using lower-level requirements related to distinctive characteristics such as safety and customer satisfaction.
  • B - Quality improvement goals, which are often limited to reducing errors and losses, and developing new products that satisfy customers more effectively.

This can be classified into two quality objectives into four categories:

  1.  Objectives of the external performance of the organization, including markets, environment, and society.
  2.  The objectives of product performance and address customer needs and competition.
  3.  The performance objectives of the employees and deal with the skills, abilities, motivation, and development of the workers.
  4.  The internal performance goals and address the organization's ability and effectiveness, and its response to changes and the work environment.

The importance of quality:

1- Reaching a specific service to a distinct level and reducing the possibility of error.
2- The organization is distinguished by its reputation and high level of performance.
3- Ensuring that the institution's product or service is distinguished from the first time and within the plan established.
4- Ensuring that the documentation system can be monitored and verified, and helps the institution to develop.
5- Continuation of evaluation of the service or product internally and externally, which helps in developing the system to achieve the required level.
6- Activating the organization's work system to serve the improvement of the organization's services and products.
7- Reducing the costs incurred and efforts made at work.

Quality Elements:

(Shaheen 2004) sees that the quality elements mostly deal with: programs, curriculum, faculty, university facilities, administrative processes, student support and support, and evaluation and feedback processes. And considering the educational process as a system, quality focuses on the inputs, processes, and outputs of the educational system, the most important elements of quality in higher education can be identified as follows:
The quality of the elements of the educational process consisting of students and members of university bodies. The quality of the educational material, including programs, books, methods and techniques, the quality of the place of education, including classrooms, laboratories, libraries, and others. Alumni product, research activities, and community services.
A physician at the General Hospital and founder of a health website.
