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Quality standards and essentials

Lamia Mohamed Ahmed defines «educational quality as the process of applying a set of educational and educational standards and specifications necessary to raise the level of quality of the educational product by every member of the educational institutions and in all aspects».

The concept of educational quality:

  •  Al-Mutawali Ismail defines her as "the extent of the educational service's ability to develop the student's knowledge, skills, and capabilities, and this value is determined by the difference between what the student possesses upon graduation and what he possesses upon joining the educational institution."

The essentials of educational quality:

Talking about the importance of quality and its necessities is an uninterrupted conversation, because the quality process itself is a continuous and uninterrupted process, and that despite the multiplicity of writings that have casually pointed out the importance of quality in the educational field, we will present a number of scientific sections on the matter:
The majority of developing countries adopted a quantum strategy to accommodate the flow of individuals into education, a strategy that led to the sacrifice of the quality of the educational process.
The technological revolution, based on the scientific and epistemological flow, represents a challenge to the human mind, which has made societies compete in upgrading the qualitative level of their educational systems.
The student is the target and axis of the process and must be satisfied as a primary customer in the educational process.
- The necessity of making improvements in the educational process in an organized manner through continuous analysis of information.

What are the most important criteria for quality:

- Criteria related to pupils: in terms of acceptance and selection, the ratio of pupils to teachers, the average cost per person and services provided to pupils, their motivation and willingness to learn.
Standards related to teachers: in terms of the size of the teaching staff, their professional culture, respect for and appreciation of teachers for their students, and the extent to which teachers contribute to community service.
Criteria are related to the curriculum: in terms of the authenticity of the curricula, the quality of their level and content, the method, method, and extent of their relevance to reality.
- Standards related to material capabilities in terms of the school building, its ability to achieve goals and the extent to which students benefit from its facilities such as the school library, devices, tools ... etc.
- Criteria are related to the relationship between the school and the community in terms of the extent to which the school fulfills the needs of the surrounding community and participation in solving its problems, linking disciplines to the nature of society and its needs, and the interaction between the school and its human and intellectual resources and between the community and its products and service sectors.
- Standards related to educational management in terms of educational leaders' commitment to quality and delegation of powers i.e. decentralization, changing seniority system, good human relations, and selecting and training administrators and leaders.
Standards related to school management in terms of leaders ’commitment to quality, good human relationships, and selection and training of administrators.
A physician at the General Hospital and founder of a health website.
